
Editing Picture & Airbrush

This is as an answer for ignorance Cecep n Dumas ;)

I forgot when i made this project exactly... As i remember it was when i mad about japanesse cartoon in a college, 2002. Till now 10 sheets of my unfinished cartoon still saved in my cabinet :)

This is some old picture of me. Putting this pic as a primary picture obviously increase hit counter in my social network. lol =))

This is my favorite artwork. I made this on 1998 by airbrush machine. At that time I really crazy about airbrush machine too and ask my parents for it. But they wont bought it for me, maybe b'coz it is not a suitable stuff for a girl ;(

This is me at the mirror screamin, '"Omigod! I'm a barbie girl!!!!"
Crazy artwork inspired by the bride of chucky. This artwork created based on my interested in surrealism.


Anonymous said...

You are a barbie girl!!!!"
Alangke serem gambar tuh mba..ad yang lebih menyeramin ga?

Unknown said...

Gambar nya serem... tapi yang punya blog tetep menarik ya...???

Ditunggu kunjugannnya di
